My precious daughter” project 

“My precious daughter” project 

The project aims to encourage continuous education of girls, reduce dropouts, instill the values ​​of citizenship and belonging, spread the spirit of love, acceptance, respect, and appreciation of others and enable them to work together to establish peace in society.  It also helps girls acquire self-confidence and life skills.  Since the level of a mother’s education is the most significant determinant of childhood poverty, the best way to improve Egypt’s potential is to educate future mothers. 

Primary school girls: 

Many children in primary schools have low educational and economic levels and are prone to drop out of school.  In addition, they have some difficulties dealing with others based on religious misconceptions.  The project thrives to get the “older sister”, a university student, to work with the “little sister”, a primary school girl, to improve her educational level, encourage her to continue school and teach her life values that can improve her personal and academic development. 

University girls: 

Success in a university depends upon health, including mental health. The transition to university coincides with a critical period of accelerated biological, psychological, and social development with the peak period of risk for onset of serious and persistent mental illness. The brain is undergoing accelerated growth and has heightened sensitivity to risk exposures commonly encountered by university students, such as stress, recreational drugs, alcohol, and sleep problems.  University students are also exposed to several unique stresses related to financing their studies and making new social connections.  Therefore, the “My precious daughter” project pays a lot of attention to the psychological status of university girls and teaches them life and leadership skills. 

Girls in technical education: 

The project also pays attention to girls enrolled in technical education with the goal to get them to acquire life skills, vocational training, and the ability to study and run small projects.