The monastery of St. Victor (Boktor) the martyr son of Romanos  


The monastery is located in the Western Hager on a ten-meter-high hill, two km south of St. George monastery known as “Al-Magmaa” and twelve km south of Naqada to the northwest of Ismant in the area of Nagaa Bishlaw (previously pronounced Bishwaw). 

The monastery has the following: 

  1. The ancient church 

This church is one of the most important archaeological churches in the monasteries of Gabal Al-Assas, in Naqada.  Its importance is due to the fact that all its contents go back to ancient times.  It was built by Anba Elias Al-Bishwawy late in the fourth century.  It is characteristically rectangular in shape with longitudinal choirs as opposed to the conventional transverse ones perhaps because it was a church for hermits.  The church has:   

  • Four altars: 

The middle altar carries the name of St. Victor (Boktor) the martyr son of Romanos of Antioch. 

The southern altar carries the name of Archangel Michael. 

The northern altar carries the name of St. Mary. 

The fourth altar is in the far north and is separated from the church by a wall built in a later era and carries the name of St. Mina. 

  • church murals: 
  1. A mural facing the northern altar representing the cherubim and seraphim which are full of eyes with some Coptic inscriptions.  Unfortunately, part of it was damaged due to wear and tear. 
  1. A mural on the western wall to the far south of the new church entrance represents the three young saints Sidrach, Misak and Abdnago (Ananias, Azaria and Mishael) praying in the furnace.  Again, part of it was damaged due to wear and tear. 
  1. A layer of mortar with some indistinct Coptic inscriptions at the bottom of the left column bearing the western arch of the central dome. 


  • Granite columns that support the central dome. 


  • Some capitals and stone cornices of different shapes. 


  1. The Monastery Keep “Tower” 

It is located on the east side of the modern wall of the monastery. It has two large rectangular towers which served as a refuge during the attacks of the Barbarian tribes who used to make occasional attacks on neighboring lands.   


  1. Modern church 

It is located next to the ancient church and has one altar in the name of the martyrs St. Victor (Boktor) and Prince Tadros. It was built in 1948 (1664 Anno Martyrum) at the hands of Fr. Tadros Gerges al-Zwait, the patron of the monastery, during the era of Bishop Kyrillos, Bishop of Qena, Qus and Naqada.